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English Information

Güssing, the jewel of southern Burgenland ...
lies nestled in the rolling hills, at the foot of the historic Güssing castle. Because of the mild climate and the attractive location, the lovely city of Güssing offers its residents a high standard of living. The small picturesque town with its 4000 inhabitants offers many cultural sites as well as a good infrastructure which includes modern research facilities, the modern hospital and a fantastic sports and leisure centre. A planned extension of the centre will include a top golf course and a 5-star Convention Hotel. Güssing provides an attractive shopping opportunity to all and it is also the school district capital. Güssing is one thing ...
it is known throughout Austria as the Eco-city that covers most of their energy needs with renewable energy.


schoen GuessingkleinBiomassekraftwerk
The landmark of Güssing is without doubt the castle! No matter which direction one approaches the city, the castle proudly welcomes visitors coming into Güssing from afar. The castle was first documented in 1157 and was built on an extinct volcano. The castle in Güssing is the oldest in Burgenland. After several changing hands of ownership, the castle finally came into the possession of the Hungarian magnate Batthyány family, which has shaped the castle and city substantially.
A trip to the castle is an absolute must to anyone visiting Güssing. A walk through the castle museum is worthwhile and to finish off in the castle wine cellar restaurant which offers a spectacular view of the whole area around Güssing. Another major attraction of Güssing is the Franciscan monastery. In recent years it has become the destination for many pilgrims especially from Hungary, because the church is the shrine of the Blessed Ladislaus Batthyány-Strattmann.

In recent years Güssing has made a name for itself because of its renewable energy efforts. This trend began in the early 1990s, energy conservation and the construction of a biomass district heating plant for supplying the heat of the city. The strategy was as follows: through the sustainable use of domestic resources for energy, depending on the one hand the nature of fossil fuels is reduced and secondly the regional value can be increased. This strategy worked out perfectly and is internationally known as a “model Güssing”.
An example of this process was commissioned in 2001. Biomass power plant, has contributed through its proprietary technology and has managed to establish itself as the research and development company of Güssing.
A history of cultural heritage combined with modern, cutting edge technology. This delightful contrast is what Güssing is all about!

2024 Handwerkerbonus Logo neu

Handwerkerbonus 2024

Für die Jahre 2024 und 2025 legt die Bundesregierung den Handwerkerbonus neu auf. Wir haben Antworten auf oft gestellte Fragen für Sie zusammengefasst.
Auch das Land Burgenland hat den Handwerkerbonus neu aufgelegt. Das Förderbudget umfasst 5 Millionen Euro. Der Burgenländische Handwerkerbonus gilt für handwerkliche Leistungen, die im Zeitraum von 01. April bis 31. Dezember 2024 von Unternehmen mit Sitz im Burgenland durchgeführt wurden, und kann bis längstens 10. Jänner 2025 beantragt werden.

>> Alle Infos zum Handwerkerbonus 2024 auf Bundes- und Landesebene

 Info Mobil in Güssing
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